Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day at Miss Darlene's 2010

Avery loves Darlene's. It is a fabulous fun filled day everyday. They learn a lot and play a lot. (which works for mom and Avery)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Avery/Emerson at 1 month

Emerson on the bottom and Avery on the top picture. Do they look alike?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Random pictures Taken of Emerson's first month of life

Emerson is 1 month Old

Stole this idea from a parenting group friend that posts a picture once a month like this.

This is the snake toy that has a 24 inch length. My how she has grown.

Mom took Avery's picture with this football every month.

First Trip of the Season to the Cider Mill

Avery loved the donut and the dixie cup of Cider, but had a little sugar high afterwards so mom and Avery walked 5 laps over the 2 bridges trying to get the sugar rush to go away.

No donut for Emerson, just in the words of Avery, "Mom is silly"

Bowling Alley

Hi - Five for mama! Avery used the ramp for bowling. Mom wish she used the ramp to bowl. This was Avery;s first trip bowling.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

hospital visitors

Emerson must be somebody pretty important because a lot of people came to meet her at the hospital. Beth, Zac, Gwyn, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Shane and cousins nathan and Hunter, mom's friends Jen and Erin and Daddy and Avery. I gave Avery a new CD to listen to for a present since she let Mommy leave for a few days to stay with me in the hospital. my new sister seems pretty cool. I think I am gonna like hanging out with her and borrowing clothes.

Emerson is born

These are some pictures Daddy took in the hospital.

This is one of the pictures that the hospital took when Emerson was born.

26 month portraits

At some point during the clothes change we decided to have melt down. The only way that I would even think about a smile in the second half of the prtrait session was for some candy. A sucker and some skittles. It was a great day and I think we got some goo pictures.

Waterpark with Cole and Riley

We spent the day at the waterpark with Cole and Riley. Love spending time with the family.
Love the water too!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I love my slide from papa

I'm tired mama

Stil sucking the pinkie and twirling my hair when I am tired.

All dressed up for church

Love this smile!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Played in the driveway in the water (sprinkler) in the front yard.

Easter Break 2010

On the beach with Daddy. Taking "baby" for a swim.

The Aquarium in Myrtle Beach

Playing in the sand with "baby" in Myrtle Beach.

Easter Egg Hunt at Church

Avery went to her first Easter Egg hunt. She was very confused as to why there was a mess on the ground. She wanted to clean up the ground and gave all the stuff she picked up to other kids.

Henry Ford Museum on Thomas the Train weekend April 2010

Avery and Daddy on Thomas the Train.
Avery decides that a tractor is not cool enough. She would rather have a pink car.

Avery puts gas in her car.

Making cookies for Daddy's Birthday

Avery had fun putting sprinkles on the cookies that we made for Daddy for his Birthday. Then we had to "clean up the mess." Avery does not like messes.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Water Park

Avery and daddy and mommy went to the water park Friday night and Saturday morning. What a wonderful Christmas gift. Avery loved playing in the swimming pool with the other toddlers.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Call me Shaq!

After much practice, now I can slam dunk the basketball while simultaneously saying. "Ball...Hoop"

Monday, February 22, 2010

SNOW DAY! Hooray!

Avery wanted to play out side in the snow on our snow day. We went outside where she tried to figure out how to make a snow man. (Or at least a snow ball) With all of the clothes she had on plus a snow suit and mittens, it is really hard to make a snow ball when your arms won't even reach each other. By the way, only videos until I figure out why the pictures won't upload anymore.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Avery is trying to play basketball

Mom needs to work on her shot.

Saturday, February 20, 2010