Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shepherd Christmas

Grandpa Shepherd and I hung out a lot today. He let me play with all the wrapping paper. I loved it. Wrapping paper is the best. I also loved this big giant box that Grandma let me pull myself up on and walk around. Christmas is great!

My new hat and scarf

Miss Andrea's daughter Erica, made me this hat and scarf. She loves me. She tells mom all the time that she is going to adopt me, because she loves me so much. Quite honestly, what is not to love? I am cute, fun, sweet... I am awesome!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fun in the snow!

Grandma Shepherd bought me a snowsuit and it finally fits! I can go outside and play in the snow!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanks Aunt Beth

Aunt Beth sent this outfit to us. It says "Ho Ho Ho" on my butt. Everyone says it is super cute. Me....I was embarassed and kept trying to crawl away and hide when mom tried to take my picture.


Today we went sledding outside. It was so much fun!

Pretty new outfit from Grandma Shepherd

Today Mom dressed me up in a pretty little outfit that Grandma bought for me. Then we got all dressed up in warm clothes and picked up my new slide that I can slide down this summer.

Avery and her tree

Before I was born, Mom picked out this tree to be our Christmas tree. Dad decorated it in a pot on the front porch. A few days after I was born, Dad planted it in the ground to commemorate the happy occassion.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Avery learns to wave

I might be wearing a size 6 months and be 10 months old(a.k.a I might be small), but I have already learned to wave. See.... I am so proud of myself. I am also saying the words Hi, Dada and Mama and signing the word Milk when I am hungry. I am one smart girl!