Sunday, November 9, 2008

I love Denim dresses with tights

Grandma Carol says that Denim dresses rock! I love them. My eyes are just closed in this picture because Dad loves to use the flash and I always blink when he does that.

It takes Three to Rake Leaves

Dad was afraid that it would snow, so he had all 3 of us go outside and rake quickly on Saturday before it was supposed to snow on Sunday.
All my cousins and I and even Aunt Teri got together and had a great big Halloween party! I was a Dalmation puppy. Grandma made scary brownies with gummi worms and breadstick fingers and devilied eye ball eggs and chili with pumpkin shaped cheese. She went all out!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is me on my way to daycare at 6:15 am. Who would want to be dressed like this for a whole day? What was Mom thinking? I am adorable though. Who else could work this outfit?