Saturday, August 30, 2008

Avery's "W" impression

Mom told me that I could be the first woman in the Oval office, which is still not a problem because Hillary is gone and we all know that Obama is winning so Sarah Palin will never be there. So to make mom laugh I decided I would give her my best Goerge "W" impression. What do you think?

Yum ... Peas!

Peas were definilty not as good as squash, but after a while I did smile!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Avery at 6.5 months

I now weigh in at 14 pounds 9 ounces and I am 25.5 inches tall. While I have only gained 1 pound 7 ounces in the last 2 months, I have grown nearly 2 inches, so I am getting tall! As a point of interest, Mom guessed my weight exactly and won the bet that she and dad had in the "guess the baby's weight" game! Go MOM!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As they say on Grey's "Seriously"

Mom gave me this cup today. She thinks I am going to start drinking out of it..."Mom...Hello... The cup is bigger than my head. How am I going to drink out of it?"
Which is why there was the same amount of water in the cup when I was done as there was when I started. Maybe another day.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Avery likes to read

Mom came in to help Dad with changing my diaper and found me reading. I am way advanced for a 6 month old girl and Dr. Suess is pretty cool.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Avery goes to CH Robinson

I wanted to go see Daddy at work, so I put on a pretty dress with matching shoes and hat (from Aunt Nancy) and then mom took a picture (ok many pictures ... she is terrible at taking a picture while holding my hand and then waiting for me to look up with my eyes open) and then we got in the car, I fell asleep and the next thing you know....pooof...there is dad! YEAH!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Day with My Godmother

I went to Aunt Jana's house and played with Ellie and Kennedy. They are so fun. Ellie helped me eat and Kennedy showed me how she can crawl. I am learning so much!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Avery and Ava

Mom figured out how to upoad videos! YEAH!

Avery's first taste of Rice Cereal

Hanging out with Anna and Kevin

Anna, Kevin and I go for long walks in our strollers and then we crash out on a blanket in the grass because we are so tired from our 3 mile walks.

What is crazy about this picture is that I am 6 months and Kevin is 2 months and we are the same size. Crazy!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun at Rykse's

Braden R, Kylar O and I hung out at Braden's house. We had a big fun party with a ton of people and well... it rocked! There were lots of toys and lots of people my size to play with. Braden is nearly walking now so I was watching him trying to figure out how he makes those feet move like that. Frankly, I have no idea, but I plan to figure it out soon. Kylar is a cute boy, but my mom is not so great at taking pictures, so he is hiding behind Braden.

Visit with Ava

Ava and I hung out today. We are so tech savy that we called up Grandma Paula on Web Cam and chatted! Mom, Dad, Uncle Joe and Aunt Jamie ate some BBQ while we played and napped. Personally I think we didn't miss out because rice cereal is probably better than BBQ. Right?

Avery eats Rice Cereal for the first time

I ate solid foods for the first time Saturday! I loved it! I opened my mouth up wide, because well ... rice cereal is the best food I ever ate!